Monday, December 24, 2012

Links for Dec. 24 - Period Christmas Music

Happy holidays!

Cantiga de Santa Maria as recorded by Maggie Sansone and Ensemble Galilei

Cantiga #119 and The Lion Sleeps Tonight by the amazing group Wolgemut - because they can

And lastly, a nice recording of "Gaudete Christus est natus" - a medieval Christmas Carol

1 comment:

  1. I'd also recommend "Thys Yool--a Medieval Christmas" by the Martin Best Ensemble, and "Legends of St. Nicholas--Medieval Chant and Polyphony" by Anonymous 4. (Anonymous 4, a women's vocal group, is always super high-quality, and is so heavenly they will put you in a trance--great for meditation.) Many of our "modern" Christmas Carols are actually medieval or Renaissance in origin. The melody to "Ding Dong Merrily on High" was first published by Thoinot Arbeau in a book on dance called "Orchesographie," in 1589! "Greensleeves/What Child is This?" is also a very old melody. Then there is "O Come Emmanuel" which is based on a medieval plainsong.
