Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kingdom Spotlight: Atenveldt #1


What is the Kingdom of Atenveldt?

The Society of Creative Anachronism is loosely modeled after medieval society, with the Society itself being roughly equivalent to the Holy Roman Empire, which was divided into kingdoms ruled, naturally, by kings.  In the Current Middle Ages, kingdoms are geographic regions that may or may not correspond to modern countries, provinces, or states.

There are 19 kingdoms to date in the SCA.  Atenveldt is the fourth kingdom, founded in January of 1971.  It is often known as the Kingdom of the Sun, and is named after the Egyptian god of the Sun, Aten.  Veldt is the German word for land - hence, the name, Atenveldt.  Appropriately, the Kingdom of Atenveldt corresponds to the mundane state of Arizona, U.S.A.

In 2012, there were approximately 1400 SCA members in Atenveldt.

Atenveldt Links Part 1

The official Kingdom of Atenveldt webpage

Atenveldt General Kingdom FAQ

A Personal History of Atenveldt:  "Atenveldt as I Remember It" by Duke Arthur of Lockehaven
  • Scroll down & click on "Atenveldt as I Remember It"

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