Sunday, January 6, 2013

Estrella War Camping Links

Google "sca camping" or "Estrella camping," and you can read for the rest of your life.  However, these four links have pretty much all the information you'll ever need:

CT's SCA Camping Page - very newcomer friendly
SCA Camping 101 - a site with good points regarding camp courtesy, and what to look while purchasing your first tent
"You forgot the what?" - a comprehensive packing list is from the wonderful and much-missed Master Yehudah of Nuremberg.  This list taught me how to prepare for Estrella War, and I've used my own version of it for every camping event since.
The Official Estrella War Links and Articles Page

My Own Two-Cents' Worth 

from Lady Tiphina of Ledbury

Packing & Camping

  • It's commonly said that we don't camp in the SCA - we relocate.  This is the truth.  Camping in the SCA is stuff-intensive.  I try to pack ahead, and keep as much of my camp gear packed year-round as possible. A check-list is critical to my sanity and my spouse's survival.
  • When you load your vehicle/trailer, consider the order in which you will need the items.  First out (i.e., items like a sledge hammer for driving in your tent stakes) should be last in.  The things you will need last (like clothes) should go in first, if possible.  Nobody likes unloading the entire truck and stumbling over tables, bins, and a camp stove while looking for the tent.
  • Plastic tubs which fit under your cot are a GREAT idea for keeping clothes clean and dry.
  • A door mat outside the tent will dramatically reduce the amount of dirt inside your tent.
  • Definitely store a set of "mundanes" in your vehicle (complete with an extra pair of dry shoes) so that, no matter what, you have something clean and dry to wear home.
  • Plan your outfits in layers.  A typical day at Estrella might start out with freezlng temperatures but be in the mid-60s by afternoon.  Sweat pants, thermal undershirts, etc. can be worn under garb and removed as needed.
  • If you have long hair, a spray bottle of leave-in conditioner will make your life considerably easier.


  • Minimize your work and maximize your fun by cooking ahead as much as possible.
  • Freeze everything you can.  "Zip-lock" freezer bags can hold browned hamburger, stew, soups, etc.  Frozen foods and frozen milk will keep the cooker cold, and extend the life of both food and ice.
  • Store your coolers in a shaded area - preferably on the north side of your tent.
  • You can reheat frozen quiche for an easy hot breakfast.  Civilized people do NOT have to cook in the morning.
  • Don't risk food poisoning.  Towards the end of the war, my typical menus are soup mix with canned veggies and chicken added, or mac & cheese made with canned or instant milk and a can of tuna thrown in for extra protein.  Or I take an unopened jar of mayo and pickle relish in case we want tuna salad.  Canned chili with melted Velveeta is another great end-of-war option.  Velveeta doesn't really qualify as food, but you don't to refrigerate it either. 
  • Ramen and applesauce are your friends.
  • Take more plastic bags than you think you need, especially if you've brought the fur-kids.
  • A thermos to keep your coffee warm can make all the difference when you come back to camp hungry and tired.
  • I tend to get busy, and forget to eat lunch, so I often tuck a bottle of water, a meat pasty or sandwich, a hard-boiled egg and a piece of fruit into my basket before I leave camp in the morning.
  • Drink plenty of NON-ALCOHOLIC fluids.  Seriously.
  • Have fun.

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