Friday, May 31, 2013

Great-looking kids' garb that doesn't cost a fortune!

An excellent article by Philippa Montague MKA Erika Hepler, so you won't have to bring your "naked" children to SCA events.

(or click here: )

Oh, and here's another great site, this one from Lady Genoveva von Lübeck of the Barony of Cynnabar in the Middle Kingdom:

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Celebration of the Lindisfarne Gospels - This Summer!

Will you be in Northumberland between July 1 and September 30, 2013? If so, you will have the unique opportunity to participate in "The Lindisfarne Gospels and Beyond: Learning Across the Region."  Plays, live music, workshops and other events are being sponsored by Durham University and Durham Cathedral.

The actual gospels will be on display from 10 AM to 10 PM daily in Durham Cathedrals Palace Green Library. 

If you can't quite make it to England this summer, you can still shop online for Lindisfarne Gospel-related gifts and books.  The teddy bear in monk's robes would make a perfect Christmas or birthday gift for SCA members of all ages.

And thanks to Archeooup, who regularly posts Youtube videos about archeological topics and discoveries.  If you hate to read but like to learn about the past, subscribe to Archeosoup's Youtube channel today!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mamas & the Papas do Canterbury Tales?

Apparently so.

Could this be inspiration for more filks?  The introduction to an evening of bardic entertainment?  Or the opening for a themed bardic competition?


Thanks to Michelle Ziegler and her excellent Heavenfield blog for finding this one for me!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Boy, are you in a mood for period Russian music?

Last weekend, at the Coronation of TRM Ivan and Ian'ka, 87th Crown of Atenveldt, I had the shocking realization that I knew NOTHING of period Russian music.

I'm guessing you don't either.

So, to help us get started on this quest for musical knowledge, I give you....

The History of Russian Vocal Music

by Boyarina (Lady) Yelizaveta Medvedeva (MKA Elizabeth Lear)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Proof of the Plague - eek!

Well, maybe it's a few centuries too late for "eek!"  Nonetheless, Heavenfield's blog is a great historical resource and this is an interesting short article on the Plague of Justinian.

BTW, don't forget to follow SCA Link of the Day Blog!